Interesting Websites about Amphibians & Reptiles


Austrian Reptiles & Amphibians

Aviad Bar's flickr page 

Wouter Beukema's website

Wouter Beukema's flickr page

Bobby Bok's website

Shannon Bowley's website, Exploring Wildlife through Photography and Art

Birgit & Peter Oefinger's website

Kenny de Boeck's website      

Matt Cage's photo page

James A. Christensen's Photography website, Primeval Nature              

Carl Corbidge's blog

Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center

European Fieldherping Forum                                

Frank Deschandol's website   

Being the herping adventures of Eitan & Ron Grunwald and friends    

Jürgen Gebhart's flickr page

Guy Haimovitch's flickr page 

Jelle Hofstra's website 

Bryan Hughes website,

Gabri Mtnez flickr page

Daniel Rosenberg's flickr page

Ilias Strachinis's website                                 

Jeroen Speybroeck's website            

Lizards, Lizards, Lizards!                                              

Mario Schweiger's website    

Harold van der Meer's website                           

Morocco's herps                                          

Matt Wilson's blog                    

RAVON, The Netherlands                                               

Report observations in The Netherlands 

Website about Strinati's Cave Salamander

Thomas Reich's website                        


Other great websites


Robert Verspui Photography, my brothers website.

Inspired by Nature Foundation, back to nature adventures.